We're a church family right at the heart of inner city Birmingham. We worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, we love each other and we serve our local community.
We believe what Christians have believed for centuries and are committed to working out what living as followers of Jesus looks like in 21st Century Britain.
To find out more about who we are and what we believe, click the link below.
We don't think that church is limited to Sunday - we commit to meeting with and serving one another throughout the week. But on Sundays we gather together in a special way to worship the God who has saved us for this reason. We sing, pray and listen to what God says to us in his word, the Bible. To find out more, click the link below.

Stuff we do
Want to know more about the good news of Jesus Christ? Want to meet more people in the area? Want to do something with the kids? Find out more below.
Gospel Families
We meet together in the week to eat together, pray and work out how what we heard on Sunday applies in the details of our everyday lives. Through our Gospel Families we also seek to serve our local community in practical ways as well as offering them the chance to hear about the good news of Jesus.